Trails plus 12 hour @ Princes Park
Trails Plus 12hr Event at Princes Park
It seems a little like a dream now but on Saturday it felt very real. I was running, walking and in the end hobbling around Princess Park for 12 hours. It was a really special day. I learn’t a huge amount about race preparation, nutrition for the event, clothing, pacing along with a bunch of other cool and useful tips. I learn’t from other runners, from the event director and myself. This race couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. It marked 6 months of training almost to the day and almost 6 months before I begin the challenge across to Perth.
The day started off a little mild but importantly no rain. I thought I was running late but in the end there was lots of spare time. Emma and I walked from her place to the starting line just down from the Carlton Football club.
Checked in, food placed in the aid station and I was ready to go. First, of course, the race briefing. Brett Saxon, the race director spoke about a few rules, the course and of course to have fun. There seemed to be about 20-30 people at the starting gate. 6 hour, 12 hour and 24 hour events all starting at the same time. What a buzz!
So bang we were off! It was a little more low key than the olympic starting gun but all the same we were moving forward.
Brett mentioned to all of the beginners, that we should watch one of the runners, Pam. Follow her, don’t try and go faster, just follow. I did try to do that but I wasn’t able to hold long enough. What a warrior Pam is. She ended up running 181km’s in 24hrs. My mind was and is blown. I’ll get there, maybe.
Not having any experience running longer than 50km’s or anywhere near 12 hours, I wasn’t sure how to pace, how to eat, basically I wasn’t sure how to do any of it. So I just started and hoped to learn along the way. Most lessons come through the act itself and in this case the lessons certainly came.
The week leading up to the event was not exactly as planned. I was sore, stiff and not really in good shape. It took me to Friday night to work out what it was and Saturday, during the race to be able to fix it. I’ve had a really tight left ITB, glute and sticky left groin. I’ve found that freeing up my right hip/glute has been reducing all of the tension. Jac, my recovery helper is working with me on it and has been for some time. Why is it still happening!? That was the only thing I was asking at the 2hr:20min mark of the run. I was in a huge amount of pain, again. It was in the exact spot that made me pull out of a run w while back. The right hip. I was confused as my left hip and ITB had been giving me trouble, yet my right was blowing up?? Confused indeed. Getting back to the aid station after 2 laps I did a little mobility work to free it up. I stood up, started running and it was free. No pain, no restrictions, nothing. I was a little surprised and luckily I didn’t feel the right hip again for the rest of the race! Whatever recovery training I’ve been doing with Jac and the movement I did during the event worked a treat. What a happy and relieving moment.
The race went on. The streams of public joggers in their flash shoes and tops started to thin out as the night air started to swarm over Melbourne. It draped the city sky in a thick blanket of wet cloud. I was hoping for a clear and dry run but it didn’t look likely. 1km from the aid station a few drops started to fall, I picked up the pace so I could collect my rain jacket. I arrived, changed and was off again. The Melbourne weather was only playing tricks, no rain for us, just a cloud blanket with the illusion of rain. It later turned into a mild, clear and beautiful night.
The 6 hrs runners were long gone, we had really set into the course, our routines and our battles. You could see everyone battling in their own way. Some talkative, others contemplative but all kept moving forward. I struggled with stomach issues, couldn’t eat, couldn’t move fast but I kept moving forward. It settled after a while and only 3.5hrs to go. I was getting closer, I was going to make it. I started at a solid pace, the middle of my race was hell. It was slow, hard work and took a lot out of me. The last third was enjoyable, easier and oh so rewarding. I was moving free ( as free as one moves after 60 km’s), I was knocking out laps without stopping, feeling like, for the first time, I belonged. It was a really special feeling. The only time I struggled again was at the 80 km mark. I’m not sure what happened and why my body turned at that moment. I have a suspicion that my mind thought I was done, finished and had nothing more to give. Unfortunately I wanted 85 km’s and Brett was going to do everything to get it an extra 5. I couldn’t muster a run, not even a shuffle but I did manage to knock out 85 km’s! Man, what a feeling when you finish. A massive hug from Emma, who had helped me so much over the day. Food, drink, changing clothes, support and everything in between. She was amazing and I owe her so very much. Thank you Em, I love you.
To sit, shaking with cold at the ceremony, listening to Brett announce the winner, 2nd then 3rd, I was happy. I wasn’t any of those announced but I did get a mention, I did get a medal and it means as much as first place. I finished 12 hours, I ran 85 km’s. That was a win :)
The lessons I have taken away from Saturday will be with me for a long time to come. I hope I will be able to use them to better prepare myself for the 100miler event in 5weeks. I’m excited, nervous but mainly excited. Bring on the 100miles, bring on another opportunity to grow and develop and bring on some more training that will make my 3,415km to Perth possible!
A special thank you to Brett Saxon for his support at and for running such an amazing event. You words during the event were so important. If you read this mate, I hope you got some good rest on Monday and ready to do it all again really soon! Thank you again to Emma for your support on the night and always. Thank you to all the love and thumbs up on Facebook and Instagram, it’s pretty cool sharing this journey with you.
Brett xo